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Minute of Meeting


1) 30 May 2015 (1 hour)

This is our first meeting. The agenda of our meeting is

-Give ideas on what board game we should do

- Introduce our members to each other as our group is well mixed with different races. This is to cultivate us to be more understanding between each other.


2) 3 June 2015 (1 hour)

This is our second meeting. The agenda of our meeting is

-We finalize the board game that we are going to do which is the “Pipeline of Chemical Engineering.

- We start to think of the element and production as our chain ‘routes’ for the process.


3) 8 June 2015 (2 hours)

This is our third meeting. The agenda of our meeting is

-We start to plan our board game and draw a draft on it

-We start to create our website and design it to look more attractive

-We start to think off our own questions


4) 13June 2015 (3 hours)

This is our fourth meeting .The agenda of our meeting is

-We think of on how to create our biodata

-We make some decoration on our website

-We create our own questions for KRD, CPDIC, PSLP


5) 17 June 2015 (2 hours)

This is our fifth meeting. The agenda of our meeting is

-We think off what is the materials for our game. (Cupboard, stick)

- We start choose the size of our board game.

- Thinking how to shoot the video and design it.


6) 20 June 2015 (2 hours)

This is our sixth meeting .The agenda of our meeting is

-Taking video on how to play the game.

-Enjoy the moment of the game (give some feedback of our game)


7) 22 June 2015 (2 hours)

This is our last meeting. The agenda of our meeting is

-Make sure that everything (boardgame) is in a nice order.

-Ready to submit our boardgame.

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